Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sleepy-time headaches

Ok, so what's going on with my daughter? We moved her from her crib to a twin bed the Monday after Thanksgiving. I was mentally preparing for the worst, and it actually went very smoothly. She went to bed just fine, stayed in bed until she fell asleep, didn't make a fuss. We didn't have to stay in there with her for any amount of time, and the bedtime routine was fairly short: put her in bed, pull up the covers, sometimes put on a CD of quiet music, made sure she had her binky (yes, we are still dealing with that at 27 months, stay tuned for bloggin woes...) and her snuggly (a birp cloth with a special tag, she has adopted this as her 'lovey'), and said "Good night! Love you!" She would stay in bed and go right to sleep. Then we went to Utah for Christmas. Eight nights of sleeping in the same room as either Mom and Dad or Grandma. We get home and she won't go to sleep in her bed without someone right there. At first I just thought that she needed a couple nights to transition back. That and she was totally sleep deprived. But we are working on almost 2 weeks and she will not stay in bed unless Jay or I are right next to her bed until she falls asleep. This goes for naps too. She was not doing this at naptime either. When will this stop? What am I doing wrong? I don't know what else to do besides stay in there with her because she will not stay in bed. Usually she comes out of her room within the first 5 minutes of getting into bed. One night I stayed right outside the door and when she came to the door and saw me there she just started playing with her toys. She won't get back in bed when I tell her to, just stands there looking at me. I feel like I'm indulging her too much, but how do you make a 2-year-old understand 'Stay in bed'.

Then last night she came into my room at 1:00 a.m. This is not an unusual thing, I just took her back to her room, put her in her bed. However, this routine went on for quite a while. I would stay in her room with her for 20 or 30 minutes, until I was freezing to death and longing for my own bed. Then I would sneak back to bed, only to find that 10 minutes later Gabby was next to my bed trying to get under my covers. By 4:00 I just let her in the bed, figured it was the only way to get her to go back to sleep. Where did we all wake up this morning? Jay on his side of the bed, Gabby on my side, me in Gabby's bed (not a very comfortable twin, mind you). I was so tired when she came in her room at 8 a.m., playing with toys and wide awake, happy as could be. I could barely open my eyes as she attempted to engage me in her play. Unfortunately I had to get up so that we could go to her Tiny Tots play group, so I hurried and showered and we were off. What is going on? Awake for 4 hours in the middle of the night? This is not like my daughter. I hope this doesn't become a life-long pattern (unfortunately it has already become a pattern). Am I missing something? Parenting experts of the world, advise!!

On a side note, Jay went to bed at 7:30 p.m. tonight. 7:30! What's going on?!? I guess all that kicking and poking that Gabby subjected him to last night didn't help him get any rest. (Me either, but at least I can take naps). Anyway, who goes to bed before their 2-year-old? I'm sure I had a look of total disbelief on my face. Even when I'm tired it just doesn't seem right to go to bed before 8:00 p.m. Oh well, when the sheets are calling......


Mary said...

such a funny blog. i'm sure anyone who is a parent can relate! we go through these phases too, gratfully they don't last...unless you give up. don't give up!

Mel said...

So So Sorry....welcome to my world. We have dealt with similar problems with Connor for his almost whole little life. It's only been the last two nights that he has slept in his own bed and gone to sleep without a fight.

When you discover a magic solution...please share it with me!

Unknown said...

we got a king size bed, we fought the good fight - heck, abigail went to her own bed from about 18 months to 3 and than guess what - it's been a battle ever since...i think with the new baby (at some point in her room) we'll have the bartering of "you have to stay in here for the baby!". plus, she's getting her tonsils out in two weeks so MAYBE she'll sleep more soundly! say a little prayer!!!! m