Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Share the Memories! :)

Here is a fun little game... Leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time, or a long time, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark...get your memories!!

Cami and Miranda, I posted memories on your blogs, if you want to go back and read. :)


Mel said...

I am the first!?! How privileged am I?

I have too many memories to write, but I will never forget the way you tell stories about stupid people. It always made me feel good to hear you get frustrated with something or someone or some deal. You make the funniest facial expressions and your hands do these cute actions and I just get al smily remembering about it. When are you going to be back in town? We are having Miranda and Mano over for dinner Sunday night...if you happen to be here, can you come?

thejbairdbeat said...

We would love to come! We were actually in Utah last week. Sorry we didn't call (we're lame). Maybe at Christmas? Thanks for the memory, I didn't realize what a geek I am. :)

Confessions of a 30-Something Drama Queen said...

You did? When? Well I have so many fond memories of you but the first one I thought of was you and me in Alaska dancing on the bed in your smaller, then small "apartment" singing to Destiny Child's "Say My Name". Ha ha! Love ya sis.

holly said...

"Say My Name" is a fabulous memory... one that I watched you two do. Kelly really unleased the moves! Classic. And I dido Mel that you have the cutest facial/hand expressions when telling a frustrating story. Love it.

A few memories... We were really young and all shared a room. The neighbors fence was banging and scaring me to death. I crawled in bed with you and Cami and you made me feel so safe and I fell right back asleep. You are such a great sister! I'm so lucky you're my sister. :)

I remember one time we were talking about how track #6 is always a great song, no matter the CD. We spent most the night sitting in front of that rediculous setup Mom and Dad had in the living room, inserting each CD we could find, listening to track #6, singing our hearts out to the song, talking about how great a song it was, then moving on to the next disk.

The night before we went to CT for the first time and the three of us were standing on the fire place "stage" singing "I'm leaving on a jet plan" at the top of our lungs into wooden spoons or brushes or something. So fun!

And finally... It'll be really fun! Don't remember how it started, but love that it's still going.

Thanks for letting me write a novel.