Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Update on Baby

Hi fellow bloggers. Yes, I have been ignoring my blog for the last 6 weeks and feeling horribly guilty about it. It seems next to impossible to get on the computer now that there are two kids in the Baird household. I will figure this out soon, I hope!

So here is the rest of the delivery story:

We went to the hospital on Wednesday, March 19th, got there about 1 p.m. We were taken to a room and I got settled there. The doctor came in and did an ultrasound, and we saw that the baby was in the traverse position. I was suspecting that she had not turned to the correct position and I was right. So the doctor said that he would attempt the version. I was then hooked up to an IV and filled out some paperwork and about a half hour later the doctor returned with the nurse and the proceedure began. I was bracing myself for the worst, as I had heard that version hurts pretty bad. It was quite uncomfortable and it was a bit painful at the end, but it wasn't anything like what I thought it would be and it's nothing next to the labor pains, so....

Anyway, back to the story. So the doctor came in and got out the ultrasound machine again. He looked to see what was going on with the baby and saw that in the 30 minutes it took to get my IV going the baby had moved again and was now in the full breech position. He put a lot of that jelly stuff on my belly, felt for they baby's head and bum, and started pushing. The nurse held the ultrasound wand-thing on my belly so the doctor could see the baby. The doctor was talking to the baby the whole time, "Sasha, we need you to move. Please move around Sasha. Mommy wants you to be a good little girl and put your head down please." Things like this. It helped ease some of the tension, which was good. After about 5 pushes and tugs on the baby, she was finally in position. When the doctor had declared that the version was sucessful, I had to blink several times to keep myself from crying. I was so greatful. The nurses in the room started claping and cheering. They were as excited as I was. Immediately after the doctor was finished the nurse started me on pitocin. The doctor decided to wait a few minutes before breaking my water, as the sack was still quite high up inside and he wanted to see if the contractions would help bring it down a bit. After about 30 more minutes or so he came back in and checked again, decided it was low enough, and broke the water. That was quite painful, I have to admit. Didn't like that so much. Once he was done though I was gushing. The nurse said that she hadn't seen that much fluid come out of one person for some time. I guess I had almost twice the amount of fluid that most women have. The doctor thought that was part of the reason why the baby was moving around so much, she had a lot of fluid to help her get around. That and she was small (well, smaller than Gabby was).

So that was at about 4 p.m. The contractions started to pick up and by 7 p.m. or so I was asking for the epidural. So I got that at 8 p.m., when I was dialated to about a 4, then took a bit of a rest before it was time to start pushing. The doctor came back in a little before 10 p.m., checked me and said it was time to start pushing. The nurse coached me for about 30 minutes, and at 10:36 p.m. Sasha Marie Baird was born. The whole experience was pretty good, went much faster than with Gabby and I was so so grateful that I was able to have a vaginal delivery and that everything went so well. And I only had one small tear. It made my recovery so much easier. I guess once you stretch everything out one time then it is easier the next time around. Being induced took the guess work out of when the baby would come. It was kind of nice, actually. :)

So here is our little one, born March 19th, 6 lbs 9 oz, 19 1/2 inces long


Mel said...

Don't feel guilty about not posting. You deserve a break. You have got your hands full, so I'll just be grateful when I get to read even a little update on your lives. Thanks for sharing the birth story...i got all teary eyes just thinking about it. I miss you guys terribly. Will you be in town any time this summer?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update...good to see things "turned" out right (get it...haa haa...I'm funny at 2am, the size of a small whale and ready to have this baby!!! yet still have about 1 1/2 months!). Hugs, M

Miranda said...

Well it's about stinkin' time you posted pictures of the baby :0) What it's like you just went through labor or somthing??? Na, I'm glad to know that things are going well. She is beautiful!

The Potter Pack said...

She is so cute ... and with all that hair - my kids are jealous !! It takes them awhile to grow some ... congrats !

Janene said...

oh! look at that hair. She is darling. and I LOVE the name. Good luck with two, it's felt normal for me for several months now. :o)

alisha said...

What an experience. She is so cute! We found out Mikaela was breech as well at about 37 weeks (I'm glad I had asked the doctor if she could feel what part was where). We tried the turning thing, too, but with no luck. So, we scheduled the C-section for a few days later, and at a week and a half early she was 8 lb 10 oz! No wonder she wouldn't turn. But--the C-section wasn't so bad...I even opted for it again with Jason.

Janus said...

OK, Kelly, I had NO idea that you were blogging. So fun isn't it. Just wanted to let you know that you can check out my blog anytime you want. It's nice to catch up with you and your family.

Janus Wheeler

I know it's been awhile, but you do remember you long lost friend from the cold tundra land of Minnesota. blog is

BTW, you little baby is so cute. Your little family is cute too.