Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Snow Day, anyone?

This is a lot of snow for Tehachapi. There was actually more, but it has been melting all day. Should have taken some pics yesterday. This is from my back porch.

This view is from my front porch, looking left. School was cancelled yesterday and was delayed for a couple of hours this morning. Most of the neighborhood roads are unplowed, the major roads have been plowed and sanded. I went out this morning to do some errands and to take Gabby to Tiny Tots (which I found out was cancelled), and the roads were a bit icy.

Here we are looking from my front porch straight down the walk. You can see Jay's footprints from this morning when he went to work. We park the Tribute in the driveway that's in the picture above, the Chevy stays in the garage (nice for me!). So not too much snow, you can kind of see how deep it is from Jay's footprints. This is the kind of snow that stops school from happening. At least in my town. :) The first real snow we had was on Wednesday, January 23, 2008. The young women in our ward were doing a babysitting service project so we took Gabby over to the church so she could play with some friends and we tried to go get some ice cream, but Coldstone was closed because of the snow. So we just went to KMart instead to return something. We bought our Christmas cards for next year. Twenty-nine cents for a box of 18. Score! Anyway, when we came home Jay was teaching Gabby how to throw snowballs. She is timid in the snow, anything wet really. She didn't want to step in it or scoop it up herself, but if Jay handed her a snowball then she was more than willing to throw it. Here's how she did:

Checking it all out. Not sure if she wants to step in it or not, but she seems interested!

Getting the hang of it! Mommy's too slow on the trigger finger to get the snowball in the picture.

There we go! Mommy got it right this time. Do we have a little athlete in the making? Possibly! Where are your snow pants?!? Boots? Who needs snow pants and boots in California? ha ha

1 comment:

Miranda said...

I love watching little kids in the snow for the first time. I can't believe how big she is getting.