Sunday, November 9, 2008

Halloween '08

So here are some pics of my cuties on Halloween. Jay found this cute onesie for Sasha at KMart (our only choice for shopping up here. Yeah for us). So she wore that during the day and then we put her in a fuzzy pajama that looks like a Piglet costume for the ward Halloween party. It was a fun evening, although I was dreading going. It just didn't sound fun. It was raining all day, the first day of cold that we had this fall so far. We had 70 degree weather all week before that, so I was kind of bummed that it got cold on Halloween. But it made the holiday feel more like Halloween, so that was good. And the ward thing was good too, turned out fun. That seems to be how things always go for me...something I'm unexcited about turns out to be fun and exciting. And Gabby was so excited to wear her costume and be Cinderella, since she thinks she is a princess anyway.

Hillbilly Mommy and Piglet Sasha on Halloween. I forgot to take a picture of Daddy, who was a nerd for Halloween. His costume turned out awesome too. I was bummed when I realized that I didn't take one. Especially since he doesn't dress up for Halloween very often. I have to capture those rare moments. Oh well. Next time.

Pretty Princess Gabby. So funny story about this dress. On Tuesday after Halloween, election day I guess, Gabby's friend Lauren was over playing. They were watching a Disney Princess sing-along DVD that we have. The last song on the DVD shows all the princesses dancing to a song. I was in Sasha's room and I was listening to Gabby and Lauren talk about the princesses. Lauren was telling Gabby that she was Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, and that Gabby was Belle and Snow White. "Gabby, I'm the princesses with yellow hair because I have yellow hair and you're the princesses with black hair because you have black hair." Gabby was getting so upset that she couldn't be Cinderella. I heard her tell Lauren that she was Cinderella and they were going back and forth on this. Then Gabby was getting upset and she said "No Lauren, I'm Cinderella. Come on, I'm gonna show ya." Then she started walking back to Sasha's room where I was. I knew what she was up to. She wanted to show Lauren her Cinderella dress costume because she had been Cinderella for Halloween. That would prove that she is Cinderella. Lauren didn't come with her though. She was pretty upset by the whole thing. But I thought it was cute that she is so connected to that Cinderella dress. And that she said "I'm gonna show ya." She says that to me all the time. It's cuter if you can hear her say it, but you get the idea.

Those two are cute playmates, love to spend time together. They have found all kinds of things to do together, including drawing. They like to draw with markers. However, I have had to limit this activity because Lauren has taught Gabby how much fun it is to draw on yourself with the markers. The ones I have are not washable, so it takes a day or so to get it all off. Here's a sample of some of thier artwork:

That's what I get for not supervising the art project. Oh well. Lauren's mom Lisa told me that Lauren still had some blue on her face the next day when she went to preschool. Luckily it's not permanent. It's hard not to laugh at this, we were all laughing at them. (This was taken on Nov 2nd, we were having a get together at our house with some friends when the artists got to work). There was one other little girl, Payton, who had done the same thing, but she was not interested in being in the picture. Well, next time. :)

1 comment:

Diane Bohn said...

That is too funny!!! Love the Halloween pictures!